Strong and Sculpted
in Perimenopause

Get Leaner, Stronger, Fitter, and More Powerful even while your hormones are changing!

Perimenopause is an important transition in our lives and spans the 5-10 year period before our menstrual cycle stops (menopause). One of its hallmarks is changes in our estrogen and progesterone, both their levels with one another (imbalances) and their slow decline.

These changes can make you feel like your body is a stranger to you, it’s not responding like it used to, you have more aches and pains, and starts to create a host of compounding symptoms like energy imbalance, weight gain, muscle loss, hot flashes, dry skin and more.

PerimenoFIt. PerimenoFIt.

This phase of life should be one we’re talking about more, and being supported in more - but it’s very underserved and under-represented.

You deserve better. And you deserve to FEEL better.

The more we know, the more effectively we can act to manage the hormone shifts, lose body fat, support our valuable muscle tissue, bone density, energy balance, and sense of self.


I see Perimenopause like a rite of passage, a doorway we pass through into the next level of our lives as women.

We’ve earned the wisdom of our years so far, and we’re going to set ourselves up in this phase of life to enjoy what comes next in strong, fit bodies that are capable and resilient...

So let’s get PERIMENO-FIT!

Here's How It Works

PerimenoFit is a custom 8 week strengthening and fat loss program designed for women in perimenopause.

Here’s what’s included in your 8-week
optimized Perimenopause Training program

Low Impact Strength Training Workouts.

Low Impact Strength Training Workouts:
3 custom tracks to meet you where you’re at

Sculpt and strengthen lean muscle and improve bone density with guided workout videos that always include form guidance, modification options for different fitness levels and a fun follow along with Coach Betty Rocker!

  • Bodyweight track (uses a towel) 20-25 min workouts
  • Home equipment track (uses dumbbells, optional band, optional exercise ball) 25-30 min workouts
  • Gym equipment (uses dumbbells, barbells, exercise ball, bench) 35-40 min workouts
  • All 3 options are available for any workout, allowing you ultimate flexibility to switch between them if you like, or build from one to the next.

HIIT Workouts: Bodyweight plyometrics

Mobilize more fat in less time, and control the intensity of your workout. Form tips plus low to high impact options are always included.

  • 4 minute tabata interval training to get your heart rate up in short burst cardio sessions
  • Option to skip the HIIT video on days you want to focus more on low impact training
HIIT Workouts: Bodyweight plyometrics.
Warmups and Cooldowns.

Warmups and Cooldowns

Improve your flexibility and joint health with self care around your workouts. This becomes important to pay attention to in perimenopause, as we lose collagen and elastin as we age.

  • Dynamic warmup videos for each workout to prep your muscles for maximum output. (2-4 min)
  • Custom cooldown stretches, designed to relax warm muscle tissue and reduce soreness. (3-5 min)
  • Warmups and cooldowns are elective, and can be used or skipped depending on your time availability.

Yoga Classes and Mobility Drills

Improve your body awareness and the health of your muscle tissue and joints with these fun sequences that will leave you feeling limber and accomplished.

  • Guided athletic Yoga sessions to connect the body and mind, improve flexibility and use as a low impact activity on a non-workout day. (20-25 min)
  • Guided mobility sessions to bring more awareness to our movement patterns, improve joint health and use as a self care activity on a non-workout day. (20-25 min)
Yoga Classes and Mobility Drills.
PeriMenoFit Cookbook and Eating Guide.

PeriMenoFit Cookbook and Eating Guide

Improve your gut health and support your workouts with these balanced protein-rich, high fiber recipes for women in Perimenopause and beyond.

  • Eating Guide that puts the information you need to support good gut health and boost your protein intake in Perimenopause, so you can apply it to your own recipes and meals for years to come!
  • 50 tasty Recipes, including Smoothies, Breakfasts, 1-pot and 1 pan Entrees, Vegetarian entrees and bonus high protein Snacks to get you on the right track!

Special Bonus Gifts

Bonus #1

The Perimenopause Essentials Guide

Bonus 1.

A detailed guide to understanding what’s happening with our hormones in perimenopause, plus the essential guide to training, nutrition, and the things you do around your workouts that have the biggest impact on hormone regulation and fat loss.

Bonus #2

Workout Trackers

Bonus 2.

PerimenoFit is a progressive strength training program, where you’ll see the core workouts in the program again so you can watch yourself progress.
Your printable trackers are the perfect spot to record your training sessions and follow your progress!

Bonus #3

Supportive Coaching Emails

Bonus 3.

While you’re following the program, you’ll get supportive emails from me a couple times a week to check in on you and provide you with encouragement and information about getting the most out of your training!

Bonus #4

30 Days Access to My Dinner Plan

Bonus 4.

No catch or hidden charges, just a bonus access to the first month of my popular eating program, My Dinner Plan - that includes healthy entrees for lunch and dinner to help you continue to eat healthy and practice the principles you’ll learn in the PerimenoFit Healthy Eating and Recipes Guide!

Betty Coach.

Coach Betty Rocker


Who is Betty Rocker? Betty Rocker is me! My name is Bree Argetsinger, but I was called “Punk Rock Betty Crocker” since I was a little girl - which morphed into Betty Rocker! I’m a certified trainer, nutrition specialist and motivator of personal growth, and I support women all over the world of all ages as they transform inside and out.

My passion for fitness and health developed after going through many of my own health challenges, inadvertently treating my body badly, and choosing to educate myself and do the work to develop healthy, sustainable protocols based on science, my own intuition and a deep love and compassion for other people who were struggling as well.

I have mastered many aspects of health and personal development, including becoming a C.H.E.K. (Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology) certified Exercise Coach, an I.S.S.A. certified nutrition specialist, and a Nationally Certified Structural Integration Practitioner (realignment of the body through manual therapy). I have pursued continuing education to incorporate training with your cycle, training in perimenopause and training post menopause in my programs.

My goal is to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to make the best choices for yourself inside and out – so you can love the person you are, achieve the results you’re looking for, and enjoy yourself along the way.

Read more

This program will help you in perimenopause by….

PerimenoFIt. PerimenoFIt.



PerimenoFit 8-week Program ($374 Value) + Bonuses ($167 Value) = $514 Value


Choose an option that is best for you and start PerimenoFit TODAY!

Regular Price: $227.00

SALE PRICE: $127.00

Start Now
Credit Cards.

For security purposes, all orders are processed on a secure server.

You’ll receive INSTANT ACCESS to the PerimenoFit Program and Bonuses immediately after purchase
via the email you use at checkout. This Program is 100% digital. No physical products will be shipped.

100% Money Back GUARANTEE

I know that this information and this program will have an incredibly positive impact on your life, because not only am I living it, I see it, and I read about it from the women who have experienced these benefits already.

But I know you have already been on a journey getting here, and I trust that you know what’s best for yourself. At the end of the day, if this isn’t the right fit for you, or doesn’t create change in your life, don’t sweat it. You can return it within 60 days and get your money back, no questions asked.

Bree Argetsinger CEO The Betty Rocker, Inc

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program mine to keep or does it expire?

This program is yours to keep once you purchase it! You’ll have a secure login and password that gives you 24/7 access to use the workouts, and you can repeat the program again in the future anytime! Since you get 3 different workout tracks (bodyweight, home equipment options, gym equipment options) you have the potential to use it multiple ways!

And, as a special bonus I’ve created an alternate layout for the workouts that’s also optimized for Perimenopause in a special bonus sequence that will give you another way to explore using the program :)

Can I do this at home? What if I’m traveling or at the gym?

Great news, this program has 3 options for every resistance training workout so you can pick the one that fits your needs! The workouts are programmed to work the same muscle groups regardless of which track you choose, and all include modification suggestions and form instruction so you stay aligned and safe

  • There is a bodyweight only workout each day that you’ll just need a towel for on occasion and sometimes an elevated surface like the side of your couch or a chair, or even some folded up towels.
  • There is a home workout option each day that you’ll be able to use your home workout equipment like dumbbells, stretchy bands, an optional exercise ball and an elevated surface like the side of a couch or chair.
  • There is a gym equipment option each day that you can use if you have a home gym or garage gym, or like to go to a gym. The equipment used in that option includes dumbbells, barbells and weight plates, bands, a high bar (for pull ups - options shown to build up to them), and a bench or elevated surface.
What equipment do I need?

Depending on the track you choose for your resistance training, your needs will vary. Here’s what you’ll need for:

  • Bodyweight workouts: occasionally a towel, an elevated surface like the side of your couch or a chair, or folded up towels
  • Home workout equipment workouts: dumbbells, stretchy bands, an optional exercise ball and an elevated surface like the side of a couch or chair
  • Gym equipment workouts: dumbbells, barbells and weight plates, bands, a high bar (for pull ups - options shown to build up to them), and a bench or elevated surface.
How long do the workouts take?

Depending on which track you choose (bodyweight, home equipment or gym equipment - and you can switch whenever you like) the workout length varies slightly.

  • Bodyweight workouts: 20-25 min
  • Home equipment workouts 25-30 min
  • Gym equipment workouts 35-40 min

Workout days also include a 4 minute explosive cardio session that you can elect to do or not, your choice and depending on your energy balance that day.

Workouts also contain an optional warmup and cooldown video that you can elect to use or skip, depending on your time and needs. Those are between 3-5 minutes long.

Mobility and yoga classes are also included to use on your recovery days, and are all between 20-25 minutes in length.

I don’t understand why I need rest days, and if I’m on a rest day am I supposed to not do anything at all?

Muscle doesn’t actually develop or strengthen when we’re training it - it’s actually going through a process where we are creating microtears and an inflammatory response. This is why I always say, “exercise is a healthy stress when WE are healthy.” In perimenopause we start to lose the higher levels of estrogen that carried us through our cycling years, and gave us a bit more of an edge in muscle adaptations and recovery. This is why we want to start getting more strategic about the volume (how challenging the workout is) of the workouts we do, and getting more intentional about the rest we take around them.

The period before our training sessions is full of opportunities to prime the body for a high volume effective workout - when we come to a workout recovered and rested, we can push harder and achieve our potential within the workout we do. If we come to our workout depleted and still inflamed or recovering from our last workout, we can’t push as hard and we won’t create the same adaptations in the tissue while we train.

The period after our training session is full of opportunities to repair the tissue we train in our workouts - by refueling appropriately and by resting so the body has time to recover and rebuild (using those nutrient building blocks.)

Using the time around our workouts ( immediately before and after, and/or on our rest days) to focus on self care like mobility and stretching will help keep your muscle tissue flexible and healthy, and improve the health of your joints.

Trying to sneak in more workouts on designated rest days doesn’t do you any favors in the long run, especially in perimenopause when your lower estrogen levels are going to make it just a little tougher to recover from your workouts and receive that anabolic stimulus that our E2 estrogen provides us with when we have higher levels of it. So working with your body in perimenopause is all about applying the best training strategies like resistance and explosive cardio with optimal rest and self care.

What does a “progressive” workout program mean?

A progressive program is one that builds on the workouts that come before. This program has a series of different workouts that you get to see again, and track your progress with as you go. This is a highly effective form of strength training that yields great results, and helps build confidence in key movement patterns that support your posture, balance, and sculpt your butt, legs, arms, abs and back!

In the first 4 weeks of the program you’ll build a strong foundation and in the second 4 weeks of the program you’ll build on that foundation with an additional circuit added to take your results up a notch!

I know this is for Perimenopause, but I’m postmenopausal. Can I do this program too?

Absolutely you can. While my focus in this program is educating about perimenopause and the way our hormones change during this life stage, things follow a similar path once we get to the postmenopausal years and our estrogen and progesterone levels drop off. Learning to train and nourish ourselves optimally in perimenopause sets us up for stronger postmenopausal years, and the workout, nutrition and recovery strategies we want to start using in perimenopause are also what will serve you postmenopause as well. You could use this program with tremendous success, as these strategies will also support you.

How is this program different from your other programs?

You still get lots of me, with all the follow along workout vids with form and alignment guidance that you know and love! But I went one step further with this one, you get 3 video options for each workout: one with just your bodyweight, one with home workout equipment like dumbbells, and one with heavier equipment like barbells. So anyone who gets the program can start with what they have and progress.

The program is also specifically formatted in one of the best sequences for perimenopause - and includes another bonus calendar scheduled sequence that is also ideal. The workouts combine explosive cardio and low impact resistance/strength training. What's cool is that you can opt in or out of the cardio on any given day since it's at the beginning - in perimenopause our energy levels tend to fluctuate a lot, so it's good to have that option.

I also provide a lot of education about the perimenopause journey, which is not in any of my other programs, so that once you complete it you'll have a way deeper understanding of the entire process and know exactly how to train moving forward (if you have other programs of mine, they have likely been upgraded in a way that would be beneficial to you as well and include more options that address the menopause years).

This program also has a cookbook with recipes optimized for perimenopause to help you get just a little more protein, plus show you how easy that is to do. They're all rich in fiber and whole food based.

So yes, this program is similar to my other programs in quality and follow along workout videos, professional workout programming and all the other things I deliver, but it is specific to perimenopause with unique guidelines, bonus gifts, a unique workout plan and unique recipes.

Is this program ok if I’m a beginner? And what if I’m more advanced?

Yes, this program is great for beginners. The bodyweight track is a great way to build a strong foundation and apply these principles of strategic recovery with effective resistance training and explosive cardio. In each workout, there are inserted follow along videos showing the modification options that are a great place to begin and build more balance and stability as you get comfortable with the training.

This program is great if you’re busy and want me to make it easy for you to maintain your fitness level through perimenopause. It will teach you the most important structure and principles of getting the best results as you traverse this life stage that you can apply moving forward in other programs as well.

If you’re more advanced you’ll love this program because you’ve probably built a strong base already. This will give you the nuances that will help you avoid burnout in perimenopause and advance your skillset and adaptive potential. If you want to make a workout more challenging, add more rounds, up your resistance and/or add another bout of explosive cardio. The important thing is to rest effectively and nourish well so your body can come back strong.

How soon will I get my program?

Right away! Check the email you used at checkout to find your purchase access details. PerimenoFit is delivered inside a secure area that you log into. I’ll be emailing you within 5 minutes of your purchase with your login information. If you don’t see your welcome email, check your spam/junk folder, make sure you used the right email address (when using things like Paypal, the welcome email goes to the email address associated with that account).

Sometimes if you had a typo in your email address that you didn’t notice, your email will get lost. If you’ve previously unsubscribed to the Betty Rocker email list, we can’t send you the welcome email, because we don’t have permission to email you.
So if you don’t see the email within 5 minutes or so and you suspect there might be an issue, send us an email at and we’ll track it down for you!

I have an injury, will you be showing modifications for it?

While I do show modifications of exercises for different fitness levels, I’m not able to show mods that are injury specific. It’s ideal to get guidance about a specific injury and the rehab and exercises that are appropriate while you’re healing from someone who is treating you specifically. If I were training you 1:1, I would feel more comfortable prescribing you custom modifications but without that personalized option, it’s not safe to generalize.

Will resistance training and workouts that “make me stronger” make me bulky? You’re always talking about muscle.

I’m always telling you that muscle is “metabolic currency,” because the more muscle you carry, the more calories you burn at rest, or the more energy you expend just by existing.

Muscle tissue is something we want to actively pursue and protect as women, especially as we age. Not in a bodybuilder way, ok for those of you thinking “why does Betty Rocker want me to focus on muscle, I just want to get toned!”

I do want you to be strong and have muscle - with an aside of much respect for the bodybuilders among us - that path requires years of work, training and eating plus with our much lower levels of testosterone than men, women do not easily become bodybuilders. Just focusing on muscular strength and more resistance training and upping your protein intake will not turn you into a bodybuilder. That takes some doing.

So when I say I want you to focus more on your muscle, this is what it’s about - we want to strengthen the muscle tissue we have, what you may think of as “muscle tone” is simply strengthening your muscles.

And when we set our sights on creating a strong body with respect to our healthy muscle tissue, this improves our basal metabolic rate - which in turn makes us more efficient fat burners and improves our muscle to fat ratio - because our resting metabolic rate is influenced by our body composition, and the more muscle we carry the more calories, or energy, we burn at rest.

What if I’m not satisfied?

Then you will get your money back, no problem at all! If you aren’t satisfied with this program in 60 days (the full length of the plan), you can get a refund. Just write to us at, and we’ll be happy to help you!