Regular Price $197

Body Fuel System

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Testimonial of Rocio C.

"Love my new curves!"

Before and after 4 weeks of the Betty Rocker’s Body Fuel System!

My husband did it too!

- Rocio C.

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Testimonial of Jenna T.

"The Body Fuel System was everything I needed to get over my weight plateau."

I’ve always hated cooking with a passion!

Not to mention never had any good ideas for meals.

So when it came to wanting to cut fat and tone up I was lost on where to start

The Body Fuel System was the perfect solution for me!

Not only was this plan easy to follow but the meals were delicious!

Everything tasted amazing!!

It was exactly what I needed to get over my weight plateau.

If you are looking for some new and healthy ideas for meals I highly suggest the Body Fuel System!

- Jenna T.

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Testimonial of Jasmine F.

"The green smoothies in this program have changed my life!"

I had a preconceived notion that if I wanted to lose weight, my food needed to be plain and boring, because if not I was consuming too many calories.

Working with the Body Fuel System taught me that calories aren't the most important thing, instead, my focus should be on getting the proper nutrients that my body needs.

I had more energy and push harder in my vigorous workouts.

The green smoothies in the program have made it possible for me to have clean and healthy "fast food" on the go.

They have changed my life!

- Jasmine F.

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Testimonial of Rebecca C.

"I lost 6lbs in the first week!"

I needed to let you know that you have changed my life.

I never thought that a “plan” would be something I would stick to or want to stick to because they are all so BORING.

However, yours rocks.

My way of thinking about food now is to fuel my body and not to starve it.

Your recipes are great and have helped make me and my husband be healthier. I lost 6 lbs in the first week!

- Rebecca C.

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Testimonial of Katlyn C.

"Sorry I'm not sorry for Betty Rocking!"

I started the Body Fuel System right after Thanksgiving to guide me through the end of the semester and finals.

When I was done, I used the recipes and principles to guide my meals through my days of work and working out....and oh yeah, endless holiday food!

- Katlyn C.

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Testimonial of Roslyn R.

"I couldn't bust the plateau before."

I work out quite a lot, but it wasn’t until I did Betty Rocker’s Body Fuel System that I had changes in my middle area.

Seven months post-baby, and happy with this!

- Roslyn R.

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* Individual results may vary and may not be typical or representative of what you might expect.
To learn more about our community’s experiences with our programs look at our Testimonial Support page.

Testimonial of Alicia A.

"For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I'm happy with my body."

This inspiration you’ve given me has led me to lose 24 1/2 inches and 20 pounds.

For the first time in my life (I’m 23) I can honestly say I’m happy with my body.

- Alicia A.

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Testimonial of Lou H.

"5 weeks in and he has lost 22lbs and I have lost 13lbs and so stoked!!"

We decided to make changes in our lives and my hubby found you on the internet.

We immediately bought the Body Fuel System and got started right away.

5 weeks in and he has lost 22lbs and I have lost 13lbs and so stoked!

Proud in so many ways so again, a big thank you for your motivation and dedication. rocked our LIVES!

- Lou H.

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Testimonial of Dalida I.

"I am happy with what I put in my mouth because it shows in my body!"

I just wanted to email you to thank you again – I’ve been eating clean and training well and not depriving myself, and I legit see my (six) packs coming in!

And some of my jeans fit!

I have a lot to thank you for.

I make your shakes and your other dishes, and I am happy with what I put in my mouth because it shows in my body.

- Dalida I.

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Testimonial of Ashley G.

"I stopped craving sugar all the time."

The main difference I noticed immediately after starting the Body Fuel System was that I stopped craving sugar all the time.

I still would feel a craving every now and then (especially during emotional moments) but because my body was finally adequately fueled with complex carbs and proteins and veggies on a regular basis I didn't feel that desperation for sugar like I used to.

I read the Body Fuel System from cover to cover and what I appreciated most was not just the incredible amount of information and advice, but the positive message of self-love and acceptance that Betty Rocker was spreading.

- Ashley G.

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Testimonial of Veronica M.

"A new, healthier me!"

Still a work in progress, but I’ve been following the Body Fuel System and the workouts.

Thank you for your help, to a new healthier me.

The next phase is all up to me. I got this!!

- Veronica M.

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Testimonial of Tekoah C.

"I overcame my wine craving."

Week 4 of the Body Fuel System and I feel AMAZING!

I definitely recommend the Body Fuel System, my body feels alive!

Before I started I would have a glass of wine at night not thinking it was a big deal

I worked out, I ate healthy, I CRAVED wine at night.

But now, doing the BFS I realized I wasn't craving, I was lacking.

Now I have lost that crave for wine at night and I can enjoy it when I choose to, and that's a big deal for me.

Thank you Betty Rocker!

- Tekoah C.

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* Individual results may vary and may not be typical or representative of what you might expect.
To learn more about our community’s experiences with our programs look at our Testimonial Support page.

Regular Price $197

Body Fuel System

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For security purposes, all orders are processed on a secure server.

You’ll receive INSTANT ACCESS to the Body Fuel System and Bonuses Immediately
After Purchase. This Program is 100% Digital. No Physical Products will be Shipped.